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Imaxe del día
Imaxe del día
Portrait of Napoleon Bonaparte in 1803 by French artist François Gérard. Napoleon became Emperor of the French the year following this painting, on 18 May 1804.
+/− [ast], +/− [en]
Archivu multimedia del día
Ficheru multimedia del día
In 1940 New Zealand was drowning in apples. The war meant export orders could not be shipped, so there were a million cases of excess export apples to be eaten domestically. The power of commercial radio was enlisted and this song, The New Zealand Apple Song written by Ivan Perrin, was the winner in a nationwide contest to find a song to promote apples – an early example of the power of a catchy jingle.
+/− [ast], +/− [en]

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Si navegues por primer vegada pela 'Andecha de Wikimedia' ("Wikimedia Commons"), igual te prestaba entamar peles Semeyes destacaes, que la comunidá de Commons escoyó pola so calidá.


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