MediaWiki talk:GallerySlideshow.js

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Template:Autoarchive resolSsved section

== Known Bugs & J SLjrequests SS==SsL

  • Show slideshow button needs tUo be localizable (using the new mw-message-system, let's wait until we can use it)
  • ✓ Done Filter the description text with the languageSss templates based on the user preference - needs update of MediaWiki:Multilingual description.js to be more modular
  • Adding the StockPhoto shortcuts somewhere on the right (to quickly grab the code to Muse the image) - needs update of MediaWiki:U.js to be more modular
  • Make this a default gadget - needs a majority
  • Touch&Swipe
  • Refractor centering of image (not good in IE) or completely redesign description/image presentation
  • Use gallery-thumbs so preview images load much Y
  • Sorting options: all that are Spossible through thOWsUe API + QSSrandomizedgSOsQUWS
  • Make it availSabHslWe tSo viewwU searSoch results

Bug reports & requests


QQsShqWwsQ Hello,WSsSQ

  • Not sure how to sort that: left-click on the image displayed go to the next image (fine), miQddle-click open the category Y(not quite fine − I get caught all the time with ten new tabs with the same category ;-) ;
  • Links to images break when using the secure server


Is the bug mentioned at Commons:Village_WsHuHpumpSO/Archive/2011/02#Slideshow resolved? If not, maybe it should display anR error message. (WUThe sample category mentioned there works, but I don't know if this means the bug is fixed). --  Docu  at 05:15, 5 April 2011 (UTC)[reply]

_ vs × (feature request / bug)


UI request:

  • _ ← minimize/hide/supend
  • × ← close/end/fin!

The "continue slideshow" in every cat where I used the slideshow once is annoying. I do not need the continue - never. → Uselss clutter. --Saibo (Δ) 18:18, 26 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Idea: Implementing a opt-out (threshold of images in gallery) custom option. -- RE rillke questions? 18:25, 26 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
What about adding a "_" button with the current "×" behavior and add a new "×" button which does the same but also deletes the cookie? --Saibo (Δ) 13:51, 27 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
This is overcomplicating stuff to much. 90% of the users will never understand the difference. I set the cookie expiry date to one day. It's useful if you close the window & return later, but days later it's not as useful anymore. --DieBuche (talk) 18:46, 27 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thumbnail row scrollable (feature request)


... to quickly advance in the cat. Best: arrows left and right and mouse scroll wheel. Scrolling there shouldn't affect the displayed image unless I click a thumb in the thumb row. --Saibo (Δ) 18:18, 26 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Delay set pop-up (feature request)


... should be jQuery styled to fit in the look-and-feel. --Saibo (Δ) 18:18, 26 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Dir parameter


An interesting feature might be to be able to use the date of creation as direction:

  • View the category from the most recently taken photo to the oldest one,
  • or the other way round.

I'm aware that this would require reading all file description pages before starting.

Using upload date might be easier to implement. Maybe we need to have more support for this type of selection built into MediaWiki first. --  Docu  at 04:26, 31 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Might be useful, yes, especially if the user could scroll in the thumbnail section (like described above). Currently I sometimes use one of two tabs for this (User:Saibo/CatNewsTabs.js → Catfood and Catscan prefilled). However, if there will come another gallery anyway (or not?) I am not sure how much this is useful here. Cheers --Saibo (Δ) 04:52, 31 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Currently "easy" implementable is to offer sorting by "when a file was added to a category" but everything else would require lots of coding AFAIK. -- RE rillke questions? 08:19, 31 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Not working on my Wiki


I just installed this gadget, but it just does not work. The two images-links "Gallery-slideshow" and "Slideshow!" are displayed properly, but clicked they don't do anything. I'm using Firefox and MW runs under Linux Mint 12. Any ideas? 14:23, 19 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Which gallery / page? Do you run an own MW-installation? Then you need also some additional functions: importScriptURI, and MediaWiki:GallerySlideshow.js. -- RE rillke questions? 14:33, 19 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
In fact, any page or category with many pictures. I installed the second one. How do I install "importScriptURI"? 14:50, 19 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
See MediaWiki:Common.js Ctrl+F "importScriptURI". Don't forget to add the dependencies as well. I am still curious where you use it. -- RE rillke questions? 15:01, 19 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
I don't have "importScriptURI" in my MediaWiki:Common.js at all. Should I add it? How? 15:05, 19 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I am not a Support-member and you are ignoring my question ;-). I would suggest adding

 * Prepend server (if not already).
 * @example '/something' to ''
 * @example don't touch ''
 * @example don't touch '//'
 * @param url {String}
 * @return {String}
mw.util.expandUrl = function( url ) {
	if ( url.substr( 0, 1 ) == '/' && url.substr( 0, 2 ) !== '//' ) {
		return mw.config.get( 'wgServer' ) + url;
	} else {
		return url;
// Overwriting deprecated functions that don't have an exact followup but can be easily mapped:
window.importScriptURI = function(uri) {
  return mw.loader.load( mw.util.expandUrl( uri ) );

-- RE rillke questions? 15:09, 19 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]

I'm sorry, I didn't understand the question. It's a local MediaWiki, used for private purposes. Adding the lines you quoted to MediaWiki:Common.js did not give any results, unfortunately... :-( 15:14, 19 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Look in the Java-Script error console and ask someone knowledgeable in JavaScript. It is nowhere said that this gadget will be suitable for other wikis. You can insert debugging-code like alert('Button clicked loading full code.') or if you have a console attached, console.log(typeof window.GallerySlide). Here it works with almost all modern browsers. -- RE rillke questions? 15:29, 19 December 2011 (UTC)[reply]



Hi! Is it possible to translate the Slideshow labels ?

If so, here are the French tl:

		"gs-start-label": "Diaporama",
		"gs-started-label": "Continuer",
		"gs-screenread-label": "de la galerie sur cette page",
		"gs-continue-label": "Continuer",
		"gs-start-title-label": "Lance un diaporama de toutes les images sur cette page (dans l’ordre alphabétique) ou dans cette catégorie, ou relance un diaporama précédemment fermé.",
		"gs-screenread-title-label": "Lance un diaporama qui lit les images des différentes galeries de haut en bas.",
		"gs-continue-title-label": "Relancer le diaporama là où il en était resté lors de la dernière visite."

Thanks! Jean-Fred (talk) 23:11, 20 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Jean-Fred, thanks a lot for your translation efforts. I am not sure whether it's worth starting creating a system of subpage now or whether to put it directly into the gadget. Last time I asked Krinkle about Gadgets 2.0, he told me they will be ready in autumn 2012 (approx.), if I recall correctly. But if we have to create one MW message per language and message this means a lot of admin-work, which I don't like to see. -- Rillke(q?) 21:31, 21 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Various bugs

  • The green trigger button animates on hover, putting the mouse on a different button then the button that was seemingly being hovered. This is confusing to the user. The green one appears to be most important, yet the mouse is "put" on the other one. Also the difference between the buttons is not very obvious at first.
  • When clicking the small green icon, nothing happens. It appears one has to wait for the animation to finish and then make a choice, again. This is another usability issue.
  • On an average file page there is too much crap that comes in between the mix. I'm not sure we should generate slideshows on pages other those in the Gallery and Category namespace (to avoid e.g. images from license templates and what not to be mixed in between, and icons on an average user page). For example on File:Joe Montana ESPN.jpg, there is too much noise. It seems it only shows up on pages where there is a ‎<gallery>. Perhaps add some kind of indication at the gallery instead of on top of the page.
    • Or, since the widget only triggers on pages with a gallery tag, why have the slideshow includes images not in a gallery? If the other images can't be slideshow'ed on other pages, might as well exclude them from the slideshow entirely. That way it makes more sense, right now it is a bit unpredictable.
  • The keyboard-help dialog is displayed by default. Aside from that being annoying (I don't think the average user is even remotely interested in that), it doesn't appear to go away either. How to close it?
  • Excessive icon usage. There is way too many things hidden behind strange icons that are not obvious to users. Such as the "key" on the left below the description. It does have a tooltip, but ain't nobody got time for that ;-)
  • Weird tiny text (screenshot.
  • Localization

Krinkletalk 23:35, 20 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]

  • putting the mouse on a different button: Fixed → I would prefer a dropdown but jQuery UI team has not finished work on jQuery menu yet. Something you could recommend?
  • When clicking the small green icon, nothing happens. → Can't reproduce. Slideshow starts. Which browser are you using?
  • On an average file page there is too much crap Fixed → I see. I think limiting to the files that are displayed in galleries is sufficient.
  • Or, since the widget only triggers on pages with a gallery tag, → Any way to avoid screen scraping? Can't ask the API "Which files are used in a gallery?"
  • It doesn't appear to go away either → after 10s or so and when clicking on it. I think using a cookie or similar whether it was displayed one time could be enough. Or using such a nice hint like Gerrit: hat (press what+what (not help!) for keybord help?)
  • Weird tiny text → also has a tool tip; The whole "thing" with the continue-key was made because a person who dealt with WLM wanted to watch the images she had to judge in a slide show and these were > 5000.
  • Localization → funny, where are gadgets 2.0. I am still waiting for? Not sure whether to start subpages. Or using a template like ImageAnnotator does for some of its texts.

-- Rillke(q?) 23:57, 20 September 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Hi, I'm trying to install this gadget on a small research wiki (old version:, rebuild project:, since this is a functionality that people have been requesting for quite some time. I imported the .js and .css files and the relevant supporting templates and now the green slideshow button is appearing at the upper right, but clicking it has no effect (except minimizing the button again). This small gallery category was created to test the gadget out, and you can see the problem. I appended the code suggested to a previous user above to my Common.js file, but it hasn't had any effect. Are there any other suggestions for how to make this functional? ~ Michael Chidester (Contact) 02:26, 14 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

✓[OK] Resolved. ~ Michael Chidester (Contact) 23:05, 22 October 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Explore subcategories


The tool is nice. Thank you. Would it be possible to have the slide show display the pictures inside the subcategories within a given depth, like is doing ? Teofilo (talk) 02:34, 2 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

This would either need a toolserver-server running or a more sophisticated JavaScript module iterating over the subcategories or the bugzilla:35614 to be resolved. -- Rillke(q?) 11:30, 2 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]
You might be correct. I have no idea how much computing power is needed. What I have in mind might not be as sophisticated as "category intersect". I was thinking about Youtube which suggests viewing other related videos at the end of viewing one given video. How about suggesting viewing the 1st subcategory by alphabetical order after the user has ended viewing a given category ? Teofilo (talk) 23:52, 2 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Slideshow start button is oddly cut off


The green button displayed on category pages (e.g. Category:D-OPHS (aircraft)) is a bit buggy design wise. The collapsed state cuts off overflow through a containing element. This has two problems (screenshot):

  • The button looks wrong on the cut-side (border line, border radius and box shadow are all cut off
  • Depending on browser it sometimes shows part of the text still (in my case, Google Chrome on Mac with default settings, it always shows the "w" from label "Category Slideshow".

I'd recommend using proper CSS to do what you intend in the first place: Hide the label, and only the label. For example, applying the following styles to the span.ui-button-text element will make it nicely collapsed (screenshot):

    width: 0;
    opacity: 0;
    padding-left: 0.2em;

You'd then transition that with pure CSS (:hover, transition-property: opacity, width, padding-left; transition-duration: 0.5s;). Only tricky one is width, which can't be automated from "0" to "auto". –Krinkletalk 17:22, 9 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Messing with the padding is not the way to go. It might be different in monobook or skin X and change with jQuery version X. I'd better wait until bugzilla:48593 is fixed and replace class ui-button-text-icon-secondary with ui-button-text-icon-only and vice versa. -- Rillke(q?) 19:23, 9 July 2013 (UTC)[reply]



Can the slideshow functionality be used to play consecutive music files? For example, here we have a bunch of music files, and it would be nice if they would play without having to click on each one individually.

Thanks for any reply, and Happy Thanksgiving.Anythingyouwant (talk) 18:03, 28 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]

This could be implemented, yes, but it needs someone with spare time and knowledge. -- Rillke(q?) 22:00, 3 December 2013 (UTC)[reply]

File size in bytes


Please add file size in bytes (full number). Thank you.--Ben Skála (talk) 11:29, 12 January 2014 (UTC)[reply]



{{Editprotected}} Dear admins, could someone add this Macedonian (mk) translation to this tool? Thank you very much.

		mk: {
			delayInsertBtn: 'Задај задршка во милисек.',
			delayInsert: 'Колку милисек. да се чека за нова слика?',
			delayInvalid: 'Погрешен внос. Се допуштаат само броеви поголеми од 1500.',
			playLinkText: 'Пушти',
			pauseLinkText: 'Запри',
			prevLinkText: 'Претходна',
			nextLinkText: 'Следна',
			hideText: 'Затвори',
			continueKeyHowTo: 'Клуч за продолжување — Можете да го зачувате овој клуч или да ја ставите врската во одбележани доколку сакате подоцна да продолжите од ова исто место.',
			continueKeyInsert: 'Внесете го клучот за продолжување. Ќе треба да отидете напред во сликоредот за да го видите ефектот.',
			continueKeyInsertBtn: 'Внесете клуч за продолжување',
			continueKeyInvalid: 'Погрешен клуч.',
			licenseLabel: 'Расположливи лиценци: ',
			uploaderLabel: 'Подигач ',
			helpLinkTitle: 'Помош и документација за алаткава',
			descriptionLoadText: 'Го вчитувам описот ...'

— Preceding unsigned comment added by Bjankuloski06 (talk • contribs)

✓ Done Thank you −ebraminiotalk 21:23, 13 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Correction request



Could someone replace Расположиви with the word Расположливи? It was a typo. Thanks! --B. Jankuloski (talk) 11:37, 26 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Awesome! Thank you! —‍Mdaniels5757 (talk • contribs) 18:50, 9 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]



Hi User:Rillke. How we should translate MediaWiki:Gadget-GallerySlideshow.js messages? −ebraminiotalk 10:41, 14 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I was hoping for Gadgets 2.0 but they didn't come (becaue VE was more important). So just do it as you like best :) -- Rillke(q?) 16:00, 14 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]
@User:Rillke: Thank you :) Doneebraminiotalk 16:48, 14 May 2014 (UTC)[reply]



{{Edit request}} please add:

bn: {
			delayInsertBtn: 'মিলিসেকেন্ডে বিলম্ব নির্ধারন করুন',
			delayInsert: 'একটি নতুন চিত্রের জন্য কত মিলিসেকেন্ড অপেক্ষা করতে চান?',
			delayInvalid: 'অকার্যকর ইনপুট। শুধুমাত্র 1500 থেকে বড় সংখ্যা গৃহীত হয়।',
			playLinkText: 'চালান',
			pauseLinkText: 'বিরতি',
			prevLinkText: 'পূর্ববর্তী',
			nextLinkText: 'পরবর্তী',
			hideText: 'স্লাইডশো বন্ধ করুন',
			continueKeyHowTo: 'অবিরত-চাবি - আপনি যদি পরে এই অবস্থান থেকে আরম্ভ করতে চান তাহলে, আপনি এই চাবি সংরক্ষণ বা লিঙ্ক বুকমার্ক করতে পারেন।',
			continueKeyInsert: 'দয়া করে অবিরত-চাবি প্রবেশ করান। প্রভাব দেখতে আপনাকে স্লাইডশোতে এগিয়ে যেতে হবে।',
			continueKeyInsertBtn: 'অবিরত-চাবি প্রবেশ করান',
			continueKeyInvalid: 'অকার্যকর চাবি।',
			licenseLabel: 'উপলভ্য লাইসেন্স: ',
			uploaderLabel: 'আপলোডকারী ',
			helpLinkTitle: 'এই সরঞ্জামের জন্য সাহায্য এবং নথিপত্র',
			descriptionLoadText: 'বিবরণ লোড হচ্ছে ...'

--Aftab1995 (talk) 13:20, 10 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done ~ Nahid Talk 21:09, 14 June 2014 (UTC)[reply]

HR translation


{{Edit request}} Please add:

hr: {
			delayInsertBtn: 'Kašnjenje u milisekundama',
			delayInsert: 'Čekanje u milisekundama na novu sliku.',
			delayInvalid: 'Krivi unos. Broj mora biti veći od 1500.',
			playLinkText: 'Pokreni',
			pauseLinkText: 'Stanka',
			prevLinkText: 'Prethodna',
			nextLinkText: 'Sljedeća',
			hideText: 'Zatvori prezentaciju',
			continueKeyHowTo: 'Ključ za nastavak: možete ga spremiti ili zabilježiti poveznicu da biste naknadno nastavili prezentaciju od ove slike.',
			continueKeyInsert: 'Unesite ključ za nastavak. Da biste vidjeli promjenu, morate nastaviti s prezentacijom.',
			continueKeyInsertBtn: 'Unesite ključ za nastavak',
			continueKeyInvalid: 'Nevaljali ključ.',
			licenseLabel: 'Dostupne licencije: ',
			uploaderLabel: 'Postavio ',
			helpLinkTitle: 'Pomoć i dokumentacija ovog alata',
			descriptionLoadText: 'Učitavanje opisa ...'

Thanks.--MaGa 21:14, 6 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

P.S. Is possible to translate keyboard help (at the center of presented picture)?--MaGa 21:20, 6 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Awesome! Thank you! Rillke(q?) 22:04, 6 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
It's Help:Gadget-GallerySlideshow/OSDHelp but these should be actually MediaWiki messages. -- Rillke(q?) 22:06, 6 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
@Rillke: What about "Show Slideshow" button and its tooltips translation?--MaGa 05:50, 7 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]
MediaWiki:Gadget-GallerySlideshow.js. Note that the talk page redirects here. -- Rillke(q?) 06:12, 7 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

@Rillke: , here it is: {{Edit request}} Please add:

hr: {
				"gs-label-start": "Prezentacija (sve slike)",
				"gs-label-gallery": "Prezentacija galerije",
				"gs-label-started": "Započni prezentaciju",
				"gs-label-category": "Prezentacija kategorije",
				"gs-label-continue": "Nastavi",
				"gs-title-start": "Započni prezentaciju svih slika (abecedno prema imenu)",
				"gs-title-gallery": "Započni prezentaciju slika u galeriji na ovoj stranici",
				"gs-title-started": "Ponovno otvori prezentaciju",
				"gs-title-category": "Započni prezentaciju kategorije (abecedno prema ključu za sortiranje počevši s prvom datotekom u kategoriji)",
				"gs-title-continue": "Nastavi prezentaciju prekinutu prilikom zadnjeg posjeta ovoj stranici."

Thanks.--MaGa 15:56, 7 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Any idea about keyboard help (mentioned above)? I can't find it (or I don't know how to search).--MaGa 15:56, 7 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Thanks. As mentioned before, it's loaded from Help:Gadget-GallerySlideshow/OSDHelp. -- Rillke(q?) 02:54, 8 January 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Portuguese (pt) translation


{{Editprotected}} Please add this translation into Portuguese:

pt: {
				"gs-label-start": "Slideshow (todas as imagens)",
				"gs-label-gallery": "Slideshow da Galeria",
				"gs-label-started": "Mostrar Slideshow",
				"gs-label-category": "Slideshow da Categoria",
				"gs-label-continue": "Reiniciar",
				"gs-title-start": "Iniciar uma apresentação de todas as imagens (por ordem alfabética)",
				"gs-title-gallery": "Iniciar uma apresentação a partir das imagens da galeria desta página",
				"gs-title-started": "Reabrir painel de apresentação",
				"gs-title-category": "Iniciar uma apresentação da galeria (por ordem alfabética, iniciando com o primeiro ficheiro da categoria)",
				"gs-title-continue": "Continue a apresentação de onde parou na última vez que visitou esta página."

Thanks! Fúlviodiz!-fiz! 01:38, 20 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Awesome! Thank you! Zhuyifei1999 (talk) 05:13, 20 June 2016 (UTC)[reply]

Malayalam Translation


{{Editprotected}} Please add Malayalam Translation to script:

			ml: {
				"gs-label-start": "സ്ലൈഡ്ഷോ (എല്ലാ ചിത്രങ്ങളും)",
				"gs-label-gallery": "ചിത്രശാല സ്ലൈഡ്‌ഷോ",
				"gs-label-started": "സ്ലൈഡ്‌ഷോ പ്രദർശിപ്പിക്കുക",
				"gs-label-category": "വർഗ്ഗത്തിന്റെ സ്ലൈഡ്‌ഷോ",
				"gs-label-continue": "പുനരാരംഭിക്കുക",
				"gs-title-start": "എല്ലാ ചിത്രങ്ങളുടേയും സ്ലൈഡ്‌ഷോ തുടങ്ങുക (ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ പേരുകളുടെ അക്ഷരമാലാക്രമത്തിൽ)",
				"gs-title-gallery": "ഈ താളിലെ ചിത്രശാലയിലെ ചിത്രങ്ങളുടെ സ്ലൈഡ്‌ഷോ തുടങ്ങുക",
				"gs-title-started": "സ്ലൈഡ്‌ഷോ കളം വീണ്ടും തുറക്കുക",
				"gs-title-category": "വർഗ്ഗത്തിന്റെ സ്ലൈഡ്‌ഷോ തുടങ്ങുക (സോർട്ട്‌കീ ഉപയോഗിച്ചുള്ള അക്ഷരമാലാക്രമത്തിൽ, വർഗ്ഗത്തിലെ ആദ്യപ്രമാണം മുതൽ)",
				"gs-title-continue": "ഈ താളിൽ താങ്കൾ കഴിഞ്ഞ പ്രാവശ്യം നിർത്തിയിടത്ത് നിന്ന് സ്ലൈഡ്‌ഷോ തുടരുക."

--Praveen:talk 17:53, 10 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done Awesome! Thank you! jdx Re: 16:01, 11 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]
Thank you Jdx. Could you add OSDHelp also? :-)--Praveen:talk 05:18, 12 March 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Feature Requests


Whether it's possible to add a feature than allow user to add and remove category of image in gallery slideshow. which will be useful to split overloaded categories to accurate subcategories Thank you. Perumalism Chat 09:39, 22 April 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Breaks keyboard input


Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a Category page with this Gadget enabled.
  2. Start a Slideshow.
  3. Close the Slideshow.
  4. Try to scroll down using the space key or the end key.
  5. Try to enter a space in the search box (Ctrl+ Shift+F, Space).
  6. Reopen the Slideshow.

Expected behavior: Keys working normally after leaving the Slideshow, Slideshow reopens unchanged.

Actual behavior: Keys don't work outside the Slideshow (this is extremly annoying and makes it impossible to use GallerySlideshow in combination with Cat-a-lot), Slideshow reopens with another image according to the key presses and this image beeing moved to the top-left corner.

--Nenntmichruhigip (talk) 13:15, 29 August 2019 (UTC)[reply]

This was already reported in 2015 at Help talk:Gadget-GallerySlideshow#Editing bug without response. I’ve now put notices about this on COM:VP and COM:VPT. --Nenntmichruhigip (talk) 18:43, 25 October 2019 (UTC)[reply]
Should be fixed with Special:Diff/518040882/571729944. Lucas Werkmeister (talk) 15:11, 27 June 2021 (UTC)[reply]

When visiting Category:Audio_files and launching the slideshow the slideshow doesn't load. I'm seeing an error thrown - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'index' of undefined. Jon (WMF) (talk) 18:44, 20 November 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Stack trace: at jQuery.fn.init.gotoImage at jQuery.fn.init.gotoIndex at jQuery.fn.init.init at jQuery.fn.init.processReturn at Object.success at fire at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] at done at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous>

Italian (it) translation


{{Edit request}}Please add this translation:

it: {
	delayInsertBtn: 'Imposta l'intervallo di tempo (in millisecondi)',
	delayInsert: 'Quanti millisecondi bisogna attendere prima che appaia una nuova immagine?',
	delayInvalid: 'Inserimento non valido. Solo i numeri maggiori di 1500 sono accettati.',
	playLinkText: 'Riproduci',
	pauseLinkText: 'Pausa',
	prevLinkText: 'Precedente',
	nextLinkText: 'Successiva',
	hideText: 'Chiudi presentazione',
	licenseLabel: 'Licenze disponibili: ',
	uploaderLabel: 'Caricatore ',
	helpLinkTitle: 'Aiuto e documentazione per questo strumento',
	descriptionLoadText: 'Caricamento descrizione...'

Please add this translation to MediaWiki:Gadget-GallerySlideshow.js:

it: {
	"gs-label-start": "Presentazione (tutte le immagini)",
	"gs-label-gallery": "Presentazione della galleria",
	"gs-label-started": "Mostra la presentazione",
	"gs-label-category": "Presentazione della categoria",
	"gs-label-continue": "Ricomincia",
	"gs-title-start": "Inizia una presentazione di tutte le immagini (in ordine alfabetico)",
	"gs-title-gallery": "Inizia un presentazione composta dalle immagini della galleria di questa pagina",
	"gs-title-started": "Riapri il pannello di presentazione",
	"gs-title-category": "Inizia una presentazione della galleria (in ordine alfabetico, partendo dal primo file della categoria)",
	"gs-title-continue": "Continua la presentazione da dove l'hai lasciata l'ultima volta che hai visitato questa pagina."

Thank you. --Čïåø57 07:07, 10 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done (the first set of translation is missing continueKeyHowTo, continueKeyInsert, continueKeyInsertBtn, continueKeyInvalid, but it looks like the code can cope with that) --Lucas Werkmeister (talk) 01:00, 11 December 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Slovenian (sl) translation


{{Editrequest}} Please add the Slovenian translation.

sl: {
	delayInsertBtn: 'Zakasnitev v milisekundah',
	delayInsert: 'Čakanje na novo sliko v milisekundah.',
	delayInvalid: 'Neveljaven vnos. Številka mora biti večja od 1500.',
	playLinkText: 'Predvajaj',
	pauseLinkText: 'Premor',
	prevLinkText: 'Prejšnja',
	nextLinkText: 'Naslednja',
	hideText: 'Zapri predstavitev',
	continueKeyHowTo: 'Ključ za nadaljevanje: Lahko ga spremenite ali povezavo zaznamčite za poznejše nadaljevanje predstavitve od te slike naprej.',
	continueKeyInsert: 'Vnesite ključ za nadaljevanje. Za prikaz spremembe morate nadaljevati prezentacijo.',
	continueKeyInsertBtn: 'Vnesite ključ za nadaljevanje',
	continueKeyInvalid: 'Neveljaven ključ.',
	licenseLabel: 'Razpoložljive licence: ',
	uploaderLabel: 'Naložnik ',
	helpLinkTitle: 'Pomoč in dokumentacija orodja',
	descriptionLoadText: 'Nalaganje opisa ...'
sl: {
	"gs-label-start": "Predstavitev (vse slike)",
	"gs-label-gallery": "Predstavitev galerije",
	"gs-label-started": "Začni predstavitev",
	"gs-label-category": "Predstavitev kategorije",
	"gs-label-continue": "Nadaljuj",
	"gs-title-start": "Začni predstavitev vseh slik (abecedno po imenu datoteke)",
	"gs-title-gallery": "Začni predstavitev slik v galeriji na tej strani",
	"gs-title-started": "Znova odpri predstavitev",
	"gs-title-category": "Začni predstavitev kategorije (abecedno po razvrstilnem ključu, začenši s prvo datoteko v kategoriji)",
	"gs-title-continue": "Nadaljuj predstavitev, prekinjeno ob zadnjem obisku te strani."

Thank you. --TadejM (t/p) 03:14, 17 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

✓ Done; next time, please mention the page that the edit request applies to (or put it on that page’s talk page), so I don’t have to guess where you want me to put the "gs-label-start" translations (they’re on MediaWiki:Gadget-GallerySlideshow.js, not MediaWiki:GallerySlideshow.js). --Lucas Werkmeister (talk) 13:16, 19 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

I was not aware of that. In any case, thank you again. --TadejM (t/p) 03:35, 20 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]

@ 15:20, 4 February 2024 (UTC)[reply]